Integrative health and healing nursing

The wellness world can feel promising, overwhelming, and quite frankly, confusing as fuck. From TikTok trends, influencers, positive vibes, GOOP, those mushrooms your college roommate gave you ten years ago, your Persian Dad’s home remedies, intermittent fasting, self-help books, juice cleanses, pyramid schemes, law of attraction, the hot yoga class that wasn’t as peaceful as you thought it’d be, vitamins and herbal supplements, or those cool looking crystals collecting dust in your apartment.

It can just be…a lot.

My goal is to find what works for you, support you along the way, and save you time (cough, cough - money) by avoiding the bullshit in the process. My core values are providing integrative, effective, safe, and accessible wellness for each unique person.

Health and wellness doesn’t have to be timely, difficult, or against the grain of the current healthcare system. You can have a little bit of it everything (even the “bad” stuff) and achieve meaningful, sustainable change through baby steps.

My approach is providing clients with safe, evidence-based, non-pharmacological, cohesive, personalized, and most importantly:

no bullshit healing.